
The issue of child support can most often be confusing and overwhelming for families. If you want to know whether you are entitled to seek modification of your child support, contact a Modification of Child Support Attorney in Tacoma at Eagle Law Offices, P.S. today.

Our law firm has extensive experience representing clients in estate planning, criminal and family legal matters including child support modifications. Led by Paul Eagle, our professionals maintain associations within the legal community to benefit you.

Generally, a parent must demonstrate a substantial change of circumstance for a child support order to be modified. When you contact Eagle Law Offices, P.S. about the possibility of modifying your child support order, we will carefully review the facts of your case to determine if the situation meets the substantial change threshold and advise of all steps that need to be taken.

Call Eagle Law Offices, P.S. today at 1-877-579-0650 for counsel from our Modification of Child Support Attorney in Tacoma.